Beginner Coding Workshop

This workshop will be in person at Clevyr in OKC on Saturday, July 16, 2022. We'll start at 1:00 pm and go until 5:00 pm. This event is free to attendees because of our sponsors!

We'll start with the Basic HTML and Basic CSS sections on freeCodeCamp and get as far as we can!

freeCodeCamp Curriculum


Our audience is adults learning about coding with HTML and CSS for the first time. Coaches will be experienced developers.

We expect to have about 20 attendees, a facilitator, 7-8 coaches, and 1-2 general volunteers. Members of underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply and attend.

Registration is closed, but you can sign up for the waitlist or mark your interest for next time!

Attendee Application

We need some coaches for this workshop! Coaching is pretty low-key and low-stress.

Coach Sign-Up


Thanks to our sponsors, who are covering the costs for this workshop so that it's free for community members to attend!